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Read our End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy before downloading and installing GoCybetix. To start downloading GoCybetix Click on Download GoCybetix Server or Download GoCybetix Client and follow the instruction as listed below. GoCybetix provides you with a none expiry version once downloaded, which gives a free 4 User license but with limited features until registered. To Get registered, you must buy a license. contact us at info@gocybetix.com.


Installing GoCybetix
  • Click on GoCybetix Server or GoCybetix Client download file in the table below.
  • A window pops up, with options to Open/Run, Save or Cancel. Click on Open/Run.
  • If you clicked on Save, you will be prompted to save the file in a location in which you will now have to manually run the file (the server default filename is GoServer.exe and the client GoClient.exe) but if you clicked on Open/Run, GoCybetix will start downloading and run immediately after the download is completed. If you have a problem downloading, click on Click Here in the Thank You page. Downloading may take several minutes depending on your internet connection speed.
  • Follow the instruction by clicking on Next button till the installation is completed. After installation, it is best you read the ReadMe file before loading GoCybetix. If you have already installed a copy of GoCybetix Server it is best you backup your data before installation
  • The default Username and Password for both the Server and Client is:
    Password: TIMER
    It advisable you change the default password. You can know how from the Help or Readme.txt file of GoCybetix.
    Please read installation guide in help (PDF) for full server and client installation and configuration details.
Get a license by contacting info@gocybetix.com or 08023033220, 08033588821. The Timer for new Millenium today.

Please read warning below if you are upgrading.
Download Type Software Version Operating System File Size Details
GoCybetix SERVER
Full | ReReadme.txt
3.0.5 Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP SP3 7.9MB GoCybetix Server supports Thin Clients and manages Bandwidth on User's Ticket on Professional Version. Full Support for Windows 7 and 8.
GoCybetix CLIENT
Full | Readme.txt
3.0.5 3.5MB GoCybetix Client essential Installation files designed to overcome the system hanging due to windows update.
GoCybetix Server Patch for Septranet Users  2.3.1 5.7MB This Patch will allow GoCybetix Server work on Spetranet Network. Please backup your database before using it.
For Windows XP SP2 Users is it best to upgrade to SP3 and download the Full Release of GoCybetix V3.0 and above. Click Here to Download from Microsoft Site Now (316MB)
To download the Previous Versions of GoCybetix Server and Client, Click here!
Warning: This is not an upgrade version for GoCybetix Server. If you are reinstalling GoCybetix, you are advised to backup your database first and restore after installation is complete with the restore utility in option. If you are reinstalling a similar version of GoCybetix Server, you can also unselect the database option in the GoCybetix Server Setup during installation to preserve existings tickets. GoCybetix Server has an update tool that now does your update easily. [see www.gocybetix.com/FAQ#36].

Extra Download
GoCybetix Server FrontDesk 1.0.2 Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP 2.3MB GoCybetix Frontdesk allows you view and control your server on more than one System. -
Windows 9x, ME, 2000, XP
If you are finding it hard to register, then please use alternate register.
Client Picture Xtra1 - - 3.0MB Extra Picture Installation files for GoCybetix Clients -
Client Picture Xtra2 - - 3.0MB
Client Picture Xtra3 - - 3.0MB

Click to Buy GoCybetix Now

If you want to obtain a license from us, then you must know what kind of license you want and pay for it. To View Price List Click Here. To obtain your license or know how to pay for GoCybetix Click on Buy GoCybetix Now.

Download Utility
Download Accelerator - Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP, 7,8 1.7MB If you are downloading GoCybetix and your internet is slow or download breaks while downloading you can use Download Accelerator to boost and resume download on break. -
Windows 2000
This stops viruses that blocks systems from browsing and GoCybetix Server from connecting to clients. (This will be updated from time to time)
Virus Patch for Windows XP - Windows XP 1.3MB -
MsBlaster Fix tool - Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP 0.2MB -


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