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This End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity), which includes computer software and may include associated media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT"). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, do not install or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.

The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold.

1. GRANT OF LICENSE. This EULA grants you the following rights:

Installation and Use. You may install and use one copy of the SERVER SOFTWARE on a single computer and the clients on as much computers that your license is limited to, including a workstation, terminal or
other digital electronic device ("COMPUTER").

Storage. You may also store or install a copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a storage device, such as a server Hard disk, used only to install or run the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on your other COMPUTERS over an internal network; however, you must acquire and dedicate a license for each separate COMPUTER on or from which the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is installed, used, accessed, displayed or run. A license for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be shared or used concurrently on different COMPUTERS.

Registry Modification. Any registry modification must be allowed by GoCybetix; if any registry problems occurs then GoCybetix will not be liable for that. GoCybetix must not be used for any malicious use of the system registry.

Network Use. Your network security will be your responsible and not GoCybetix's own.

Distributon. You shouldn't distribute GoCybetix expect you are a licensed dealer; copying and distributing this Software will cost punishment under the law.

WebSite. You must know that time to time GoCybetix will monitor who is using it's Software and pictures are downloaded from our website. If you do not agree to this feature, then you can return Gocybetix back to the dealer you purchase it from.


Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation, and Disassembly.
You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.

Separation of Components.
The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer.

Software Transfer.
You may permanently transfer all of your rights under this EULA, provided the recipient agrees to the terms of this EULA.

Without prejudice to any other rights, the Author of this Software may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies
of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and all of its component parts.

The SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be sold or be included in a product or package which intends to receive benefits through the inclusion of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT may be included in any free or non-profit packages or products.


All titles and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text, and 'applets' incorporated into the SOFTWARE PRODUCT), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are owned by Fatunla, Inc.. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international treaties provisions. Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE PRODUCT like any other copyrighted material except that you may install the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a single computer provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes.


The SOFTWARE PRODUCT and any related documentation is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement. The entire risk arising
out of use or performance of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT remains with you.
Registering this software means you have agreed to receive GoCybetix related information by the email address you provide.

In no event shall the author of this Software be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any
other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product, even if the Author of this Software has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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