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Table of Contents
1. What is GoCybetix Server?
2. What is GoCybetix Client?
3. How do I install or Start GoCybetix Server and Client?
4. How do I Connect GoCybetix Clients to GoCybetix Server?
5. What is Administrator?
6. What is Solotimer?
7. What is the minimum system requirement for GoCybetix Client?
8. Why do my system or GoCybetix crash?
9. GoCybetix doesn't run?
10. Why does my GoCybetix restart after shutting it down?
11. How can I shutdown my system?
12. How can I stop GoCybetix from starting when Microsoft Windows is starting?
13. Can I disable Administrator and Solotimer?
14. Can I enable Administrator and Solotimer when Clients are connected?
15. How do I make my Log off, Shutdown Control Panel and drives show again?
16. How can I stop message showing the status of my memory when I start GoCybetix?
17. The GoCybetix Client doesn't connect to the GoCybetix Server?
18. Can I change GoCybetix Colour?
19. Can I change GoCybetix pictures?
20. Where does some Pictures come from?
21. Does GoCybetix Require maintenance?
22. I forgot my Server Adminisrator password?
23. I forgot my Client Administrator or User password?
24. How do I register GoCybetix Server?
25. How do I move GoCybetix Server to another System or unregister GoCybetix?
26. Why did GoCybetix Server unregister itself and how do I Re-register it?
27. Why is my Registeristion Code locked and how can I Unlock it?
28. How do I upgrade my Registeristion Code to a higher one?
29. How can I retrieve my login password?
30. How can I retrieve registration code?
31. How can I get more help?
32. Can't find my Server Menu or Toolbar?
33. Can't load GoCybetix or a section of GoCybetix? (e.g. Generate Ticket or register form)
34. How can I run a trial of GoCybetix for all my Systems?
35. All my Systems are not connecting or Server is not functioning properly?
36. Upgrading GoCybetix?
37. Changing GoCybetix Server Administrator's password in GoCybetix?
38. Tickets are showing Username of 9 letters only?
39. ActiveX error is showing?
40. My IP address is not listed in GoCybetix Configuration Wizard?
41. I can't print or generate tickets?
42. Changing Client's Admin or Users Password?
43. Low Memory Message or Server not Browsing while client(s) Connected?
44. Web Storage account expired?.
45. Send us your Question now.
46. Don't have Username and password?

1. What is GoCybetix Server? [Back to Top]
GoCybetix Server is a timer software that keeps unauthorized users from entering a system expect with a password which gives them limited access time as the Administrator pleases. With GoCybetix Server, Several clients can be connected and monitored at the same time. The clients connect to the server through a network. GoCybetix is primarily designed for Cyber Cafés but can be used for other purpose.

2. What is GoCybetix Client? [Back to Top]
GoCybetix Client is a timer software that keeps unauthorized users from entering a system expect with a password which gives them limited access time as the Administrator pleases. The GoCybetix Client can work independently of its Server but with minimal features. With GoCybetix Server, Several clients can be connected
and monitored at the same time, and more features are available to the client(s). The clients connect to the server through a network.

3. How do I install or Start GoCybetix Server and Client? [Back to Top]
To be able to start GoCybetix Client you must have installed it in your system, if you agree with the license agreement. If you have installed GoCybetix already then you can jump to the next paragraph. If you have not installed GoCybetix, then enter the GoClient.exe file after downloading it. Follow the instruction till you finish. That will be all about installing GoCybetix Client. The GoCybetix Server is also installed in the same way as the Client. The default installation filename is GoServer.exe.

To Start GoCybetix you should first know that the default password for the in-built account called the Administrator is TIMER for both the Server and Client.. To login with this account, you type Administrator in the username box and then type TIMER as the password and then press Enter or click on Login. To make GoCybetix automatically type Administrator set the cursor on the username box and press CTRL + A together, and for Solotimer, which is also an inbuilt account of the Client, set the focus on the username box and press CTRL + S together.

4. How do I Connect GoCybetix Clients to GoCybetix Server? [Back to Top]
Once you have your GoCybetix Server installed and is on a network, then you can connect your GoCybetix Client through a network (the Clients must be on a network in which a system with GoCybetix server is installed and running). If you have your Clients on the network, then you must know your Server IP address or name. To get this you can go to the Configuration Wizard of Server and find out the list of avalible IPs on the Server. On getting this, you log in with the Administrator account, as you know the default password is TIMER and can be different if changed. After logging in you click on the + sign at the upper left corner of the timer. The menu expands, then you click on Option and Option in the list or press CTRL + F9. The Administrator Password is required again and must be entered to continue to GoCybetix Client option. This is for security reasons. Once you are in the Option, you can set the IP address or the name of the Server in a box provided for it. After doing this, click on apply or Ok to save your changes. There is a server pinger that indicates if a connection to the server is good or bad. With this you can know if the specified address is valid. If a Server name is entered then the pinger will not function properly. If your server IP is not static then It is best to use your Server name. If it doesn't work then you will have to use the server IP which may require changing if the server IP is not static. Also, the server can also use the Configuration Wizard to connect the client automatically without going to each server. GoCybetix does most of the Connection automatically and require less human intervention. You can get more information for GoCybetix Server Help.

5. What is Administrator? [Back to Top]
Administrator is an in-built account in GoCybetix which gives you an unlimited access to enter the system and also access to the options of the client independently of the server. With this account you can setup your client in the way you want. This account can not be removed but can be disabled from the server. It can also shutdown GoCybetix. On the Server, it is the most powerful account that can never be removed.

6. What is Solotimer? [Back to Top]
Solotimer is also an in-built account with Administrator that only exist on the Clients. It also gives access to the computer but with limitations. A time has to be specified in which will count down. It also doesn't have access to Exit or the options of the GoCybetix Client. The main purpose of Solotimer account is to allocate time directly from the client.

7. What is the minimum system requirement for GoCybetix Client? [Back to Top]
The minimum requirement of the Server varies according to the Server (See List in Pricing). The minimum requirement of the GoCybetix client is 266Mhz II processor, 64MB RAM and 20MB free hard diskspace. Anything lower than this may cause programs to crash and slow down your system.

8. Why do my system or GoCybetix crash? [Back to Top]
If your system crashes then, you may be out of memory. If your System meets the necessary System requirement, then go to Client option to view the available memory left on the Computer. Read your Help to know how to get to your Client Option.

9. GoCybetix Server doesn't run? [Back to Top]
If GoCybetix doesn't run, first try to run GoCybetix Scandisk before trying reinstalling it. Check for scandisk under Start Menu > Program > GoCybetix > Server > Tools > Scandisk. You can get information on how to install GoCybetix at How do I install or Start GoCybetix Server and Client, if you chose to reinstall GoCybetix Server.

10. Why does my GoCybetix reload after shutting it down? [Back to Top]
If GoCybetix reloads after closing it, you must go to GoCybetix Client option and uncheck "Reload Timer if Closed". In the version 2.2.7 and above, this will not stop it. It automatically reloads after every min for security purpose.

11. How can I shutdown my system? [Back to Top]
To shutdown GoCybetix you must first close GoCybetix or you go to GoCybetix Option and click on shutdown and press yes when asked if you want to shutdown or you can type SHUTDOWN as the username and type in the administrator's password in Password or you can shutdown all the clients from the server.

12. How can I stop GoCybetix from starting when my computer is starting? [Back to Top]
To stop GoCybetix from starting when your computer is booting into windows, you go to GoCybetix Client Options and uncheck "Load at Startup" and apply but this doesn't apply to the version 2.2.7 above because it loads before the login screen of windows as a service.

13. Can I disable Administrator and Solotimer? [Back to Top]
You can disable Administrator and Solotimer but this can only be done from GoCybetix server Option. Go to the Client Section and effect the necessary changes.

14. Can I enable Administrator and Solotimer when Clients are connected? [Back to Top]
You can enable Administrator and Solotimer on the Clients when connected. On default, the inbuilt Administrator and Solotimer are disabled when GoCybetix Clients are connected to the GoCybetix Server. Go to the Client Section of the GoCybetix Server Option and effect the necessary changes.

15. How do I make my Log off, Shutdown Control Panel and drives show/hide again? [Back to Top]
To show or hide my Log off, Shutdown Control Panel and drives you go to GoCybetix Option and click on Winlock button. This takes you under the Winlock section, you then uncheck the options you want to show and check the ones you want to hide. To set everything to the GoCybetix Client default settings click reset to Restore Default Settings and click apply or you can set all the clients from the Server. To do this go to Options in the Tool Menu after logging as an administrator and then click the Client Section. Make the necessary changes and apply. You should know that some changes will require the Clients to restart. This Changes can also be made from the Server for all Clients. Go to the Client Section of the GoCybetix Server Option and effect the necessary changes.

16. How can I stop message showing the status of my memory when I start GoCybetix? [Back to Top]
To stop the message showing the status of your memory when starting GoCybetix Client, you will have to go to GoCybetix Client Option and check the "Disable Memory Check". That will be all.

17. The GoCybetix Client doesn't connect to the GoCybetix Server? [Back to Top]
GoCybetix Clients can only connect to GoCybetix Server if the server is on a network with Client(s). If this is not true then GoCybetix can never connect to the server. To know if your computer is on network with your server. You can click on Start Menu of Windows and click on RUN. type "PING -t" where is the IP address for of your server. If the result is "Request Timed Out" then your server or client is definitely not on the network or not configured for the network. Contact your Network Administrator for help on that. If the Pinging shows "Reply from ......." then your computer is on the same network. The Latest Version has a Configuration Wizard that will help you through the connection process but normally the connection process is done automatically. You should try entering the IP of the server and Servername in the space provided in the Client Option after login to Administrator mode. Sometimes when your clients are on static IPs, GoCybetix may not connect to the server. If this arises, please ensure you are configured to DHCP server. One other reason your client may not connected to the server is if a firewall is on your server or client. It will be best if you configure your firewall to allow GoCybetix Server or client to make communication. Another reason the server won't connection is if there is a virus on that system. see Windows XP not connecting ...

18. Can I change GoCybetix Colour? [Back to Top]
You can change your GoCybetix Client's colour but only when the Client is connected to GoCybetix server.

19. Can I change GoCybetix pictures? [Back to Top]
You can change the pictures on GoCybetix Client. All you have to do is know the directory the name that you want to start using for pictures. Go to GoCybetix Client Option and click on "Select Dir". Change the picture directory to the directory where you now want to show pictures. GoCybetix Client only supports pictures in JPG, GIF and BMP format. You can decide to just add pictures instead of change the directory. You can do this by copying the pictures in the supported format to the images directory in the GoCybetix Directory.

20. Where does some Pictures come from? [Back to Top]
Pictures time to time are downloaded from the GoCybetix's Website. That is where the pictures come from, so don't be surprise.

21. Does GoCybetix Client Require maintenance? [Back to Top]
Maintenance is only regularly required on the Server because of accumulated log files and redundant data storage. To clear this you will have to use the Clean Up tool in the Tool Menu on GoCybetix Server. Check the necessary action and click on Clean Up. It is necessary to do a periodic Clean Up to keep GoCybetix on top performance.

22. I forgot my Server Adminisrator password? [Back to Top]
If you have forgotten your Server Administrator's password, please contact us to reset the password for you at support@gocybetix.com.

23. I forgot my Client's Administrator or User password? [Back to Top]
If you have forgotten your GoCybetix Client's Password then you will have to change it from the GoCybetix Server. You will have to login as an administrator type account in the GoCybetix Server and go under the Tool menu, Click on either the Change Admin or User Password and type in the new password.

24. How do I register GoCybetix Server? [Back to Top]
To register GoCybetix Server you must first be running GoCybetix Server and logged in as an Administrator type Account. Click on the Help Menu, then 'Register Now ...'. A Registration form is shown. Complete the form correctly and enter the Registration Code you obtained after paying for GoCybetix or requesting for a trial. If you do not have a Registration Code, Click here to know how to get one. After completing the Registration form click on Register now. (Warning: You must be connected to the Internet to register GoCybetix) Wait for the registration process to be completed on the Server, then you will be prompted if your Registration process was successful or not.

25. How do I move GoCybetix Server to another system or unregister GoCybetix? [Back to Top]
To register your GoCybetix Server on another system with the same Registration code, you have to unregister the code from the current server with the registration code. To unregister, you must be logged in as an Administrator type Account. Click on the Help Menu, the 'Unregister llicense'. Enter the Registration Code you used in registering and Click on 'Unregister License'. If the registration code is valid and unique to the server it will be unregistered. Then you can repitite the registration process as illustrated above on the new GoCybetix Server you want to register. (Note: your Internet account information will be deleted when you unregister). It is always advisable to unregister GoCybetix Server and backup your database, if you want to format and reinstall your System. Also, GoCybetix Server now has a Autoregister process which will help to register, if you forgot to register before. It would be verifying your registration code with the network it was first installed.

26. Why did GoCybetix Server unregister itself and how do I re-register it? [Back to Top]
GoCybetix will automatically unregister if your Registration code doesn't exist again, your GoCybetix Server was re-installed again and your registry and database was affected or your Windows registry modified or your registration is locked. To avoid this from happening, run GoCybetix server on one Windows Server Account alone. To resolve this, you re-register your GoCybetix Server as illustrated above, if your registration code is locked you will have to contact or read the below about registration code lock. If your server becomes unregistered for a certain reason and you tried registering GoCybetix again and you are told that you are already inuse on another server. GoCybetix allows unregistering your registration code from our site under your registration information area, if there is no communication with your server in 3 days or you can try Autoregister on the registration form of GoCybetix Server. You are given 20 times to manually unregister your code and register.

27. Why is my registeristion code locked and how can I unlock it? [Back to Top]
Your registration Code can only be locked if the same registration code is used on more than one server at the same time. (Note: Your Registration code should only be known by you). To unlock your Registration Code will cost a fee. Contact us at support@gocybetix.com.

28. How do I upgrade my registeristion code to a higher one? [Back to Top]
Upgrading your License is as easy as telling us. Just pay the necessary difference of upgrade and fill out the payment form or email sales@gocybetix.com. You don't have to re-register or get another Registration Code. It is that easy. To get more information on the difference Licenses and Cost, see Pricing.

29. How can I retrieve my login password? [Back to Top]
If you can't remember your login password, just click on Forgot Password? and enter the email you used in registering. Your password and other details will be sent to you. Your registration code is concealed for security purpose. To get your registration code you will have to fill a more detailed form. Click here to do that now.

30. How can I get retrieve my registration code? [Back to Top]
If you have forgot your registration code you will have to fill a retrieval form. If the information you filled are correct, your registration code will be sent to you via email.

31. How can I get more help? [Back to Top]
To get more help you can read the help document that is packaged with your GoCybetix Server and Client or download a copy. You can also contact us at support@gocybetix.com or call us (see www.gocybetix.com/contact).

32. Can't find my Server Menu or Toolbar? [Back to Top]
If some or all your toolbar and menu are missing, you have not logged into GoCybetix properly but have started with the Autostart user mode, which is enabled when you mark Load at Startup in GoCybetix Server Options or if you have logged out of your accout. The Autostart user allows the Server to start without logging in first, allowing client connection but restricting user intervention on the Server. To login, Click on File -> Log Off... Enter a Username and Password to show the appropriate menu and toolbar. Different toolbar and menu appear for the three different user accounts in GoCybetix (i.e Administrator Account, User Account and Viewer Account), each having different security access levels.

33. Can't load GoCybetix or a section of GoCybetix? (e.g. Generate Ticket or register form) [Back to Top]
If you can't load GoCybetix or any Section of GoCybetix, you may have to restart your computer. If this problem persist then probably some necessary files are corrupt, run GoScandisk which you will find under tools menu or goto Start Menu in windows and Click Program->GoCybetix Timer->Server->Tools. Please Download a fresh copy and reinstall GoCybetix, if necessary. See upgrading GoCybetix to prevent data lost.

34. How can I run a trial of GoCybetix for all my Systems? [Back to Top]
Just contact info@gocybetix.com or call 08023033220, 08033588821, 08045185761 and let us provide a 10 days trial for all your systems.

35. All my Systems are not connecting or Server is not functioning properly? [Back to Top]
If your systems are not all connected, please ensure that you are registered or your license number is up to the number of your systems. The user license number is usually on top of the bar of your GoCybetix Server or See Help Menu > About. You can contact us to increase your license by paying the difference between your existing license and your present license. Check Pricing. Also make sure you are using a server with the right System requirements which is also listed under Pricing. If the required system requirements are not met, your Server may not connect all you clients even though your license covers all your systems. Also it may be caused by malfunctioning of some of the Server functions. Also See Connecting GoCybetix Clients to Server

36. Upgrading GoCybetix? [Back to Top]
The easiest way to update GoCybetix server is to run the update tool that now comes with the Server 2.2.5 and above. Click your Start Menu - Program -GoCybetix - Server - Tools - Updater. One other way of upgrading GoCybetix is backing up your existing tickets first, reinstalling GoCybetix Server, re-register and restore the backed up tickets. The backup and restoration tool are under the Maintenance section of your Server Option. See GoCybetix Server help to know more on using them (Press F1 on GoCybetix Server to load Help). The other way, is unmarking the database box in the list when asked what to install while running GoCybetix Server Setup. This method is good, if you are just repairing damaged files of the same version of GoCybetix Server. Re-registering may not be necessary. Upgrading the Client just requires reinstalling a new client without any extra stuff. To automatically update the clients from the server you will need to download the update file (Click to download now). Then Click Help and update Clients. Then provide the downloaded file for update.

37. Changing GoCybetix Server Administrator's password in GoCybetix? [Back to Top]
To change your GoCybetix server password, you must first login as an Administrator account. Click on File menu > Change Password or Get to the Option panel and click on User Account. Type in the name of the account you will like to change password. Existing Accounts are listed at the right hand corner of the panel. Type in the new password twice in the space provided. Then Click in Add/Change and not Ok to take action. You will then be asked to enter the old password to complete the password change. This does Change your Clients Password. (See Changing Client's Admin and User Password)

38. Tickets are showing Username of 9 letters only? [Back to Top]
Due to different fonts, printer different drivers and printer types, Ticket print outs vary. In case you experience a different output (i.e. Username showing 9 letters only) other than you expect, please select a different Ticket Print type.

39. ActiveX error is showing? [Back to Top]
If ActiveX error is shown when launching a task on your GoCybetix server, an internal error most have occured. You will need to restart GoCybetix Server again. If this problem persist, please reinstall GoCybetix again. See Upgrading GoCybetix.

40. My IP address is not listed in GoCybetix Configuration Wizard? [Back to Top]
If your IP address is not listed on GoCybetix list of available IPs as displayed on GoCybetix Configuration Wizard, you can add it manually. To do this, you will have to go to GoCybetix Server options. Under the general section, select the Custom Settings in Server Adaptor type and enter the IP address you will like to include. GoCybetix will then automatically add and use this IP address in connecting the clients. If your custom IP address doesn't exist, GoCybetix will not make a connection with the clients.

41. I can't print or generate tickets? [Back to Top]
If you can't print your tickets, ensure that your system prints at all by trying to print from other programs. (e.g. Notepad) If other programs are not printing there must be a problem with your server's communication with your printer, Call your technician. If other programs are printing then you most likely should print. It is advisable to connect your printer directly to the server and not over a network. If there is a network problem then no printing will be able to go on and an ActiveX error may occur. See ActiveX error is showing? Also you may need to reinstall GoCybetix Server if PCL XL error or any unknown problem occurs. You should also try to reduce the resolution when printing to 300dpi, if your printer memory is not large enough.

42. Changing Clients' Admin or Users Password? [Back to Top]
Your Server Admin's Password is different from the Client's Admin password. To Change the Client's Admin password, you will need to be logged in with an administrator account with proper authorization on GoCybetix Server. Click the Tools Menu -> Change Client's Admin password or Change Client's User Password. Enter the new Password in the box provide and press enter to take effect on the Clients. (see Changing Server's Administrator Password)

43. Low Memory Message or Server not Browsing while client(s) Connected? [Back to Top]
If you have a low memory message, then you should upgrade your server memory, It is advisable to run Windows 2000 or higher in order to over come this problem sometimes because windows 2000 and higher have better memory management. You can disable Low Server Memory message from Server Message Menu->Disable Low Memory Message. Low memory also causes the Server from browsing while client(s) are connected to it and can also reduce the number of clients connected to the server. If your computer is not browsing and the clients are not connected to the Server at all then you should check the network connection of your Server to the network/hub or contact your Network Administrator. It is best you upgrade your server memory if it does not meet our requirement listed under Pricing.

44. Web Storage account expired? [Back to Top]
If the message "Your Web Storage account has expired ...", then your ability to check your report online is expired. You will need to pay a fee of N500 per month to reactivate. This only applies to GoCybetix Standard license only. Note: This does not affect the use of GoCybetix Server.

45. GoCybetix Client connecting and disconnecting? [Back to Top]
GoCybetix Clients connect and disconnect when there is a communication or network problem. One major reasonIf the message "Your Web Storage account has expired ...", then your ability to check your report online is expired. You will need to pay a fee of N500 per month to reactivate. Note: This does not affect the use of GoCybetix Server.

46. Finding it hard to download GoCybetix Server or Client? [Back to Top]
If you are finding it hard to download GoCybetix Server or Client because your internet is slow or breaking we advise you use an internet download manager which can allow you to resume download even though it breaks or is slow. Click to download Download Accelerator a popular download manager. To download GoCybetix Server directly by click here and GoCybetix Client by click here. To download older version of GoCybetix Server and Client, Click here.

47. Difference between GoCybetix Standard and Professional License? [Back to Top]
See www.gocybetix.com/pricing/difference.asp to see the major difference between GoCybetix Standard and Professional license.

48. Web Storage account not correct? [Back to Top]
Your webstorage is meant to be more accurate as from the version v2.2.6+ expect your server has not had communication with the GoCybetix Server. Your server should be allowed to browse in order for a communication to be made. As for lesser version the problem persist once an internet connection is not made earlier in the day. It is advisable for your allow your to browse. If you don't want your server to be used to browse by anybody, you can use a password lock on the your internet explorer which you can get that under Internet Option.

49. People breaking into GoCybetix Client? [Back to Top]
Normally GoCybetix Security from our v2.2.7 has a great security again malicious programs and much more but most times security is left in the hands of the Administrator. You can make a more secured setting for your clients from Server > Tools Menu> Option > Client Settings. If you still have problems or information about hacking, email us at abuse@gocybetix.com

50. What is Point of Sale(POS)? [Back to Top]
If the message "Your Web Storage account has expired ...", then your ability to check your report online is expired. You will need to pay a fee of N500 per month to reactivate. Note: This does not affect the use of GoCybetix Server.

50. Windows XP Server is not browsing at random time interval and Client disconnect? [Back to Top]
If the message "Your Web Storage account has expired ...", then your ability to check your report online is expired. You will need to pay a fee of N500 per month to reactivate. Note: This does not affect the use of GoCybetix Server.

50. What is FrontDesk? [Back to Top]
If the message "Your Web Storage account has expired ...", then your ability to check your report online is expired. You will need to pay a fee of N500 per month to reactivate. Note: This does not affect the use of GoCybetix Server.

50. My Frontdesk is not connecting to GoCybetix Server? [Back to Top]
If the message "Your Web Storage account has expired ...", then your ability to check your report online is expired. You will need to pay a fee of N500 per month to reactivate. Note: This does not affect the use of GoCybetix Server.

50. Send us your Question now [Back to Top]
If your Question(s) is not reflected in our FAQ, Fill in your Questions and Click on Send Message; and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Ask your Question(s)
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Last Updated: 18th October, 2005

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