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GoCybetix comes with a series of features that supercedes existing Cyber Timers in several ways and functionality. Some of the more visible features are as follows:

  • GoCybetix supports more than a 100 clients and can be purchased in 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60 .........100 or Customized versions. It was designed to work on Windows platform (95, 98, ME, 2000 and XP).
  • Tickets can be customized or randomly generated by Server with complete price, expiration and time flexibility.
  • Tickets can be printed in Small, Medium or Large sizes of up to 72 tickets on a single A4 paper.
  • Tickets can be created to work within a time frame and even set to work only once (i.e All Night Tickets).
  • Existing Tickets can be recharged.
  • Clients can be fully controlled from the server once GoCybetix is installed. This includes Pause, Unpause, Restart, Shutdown, Terminate GoCybetix, Close Internet Explorers, Lock System, Control Download Speed (Optional), Allocate Time without a ticket, Prevent Login, Log Off Client, Send Messages etc.
  • For more security GoCybetix allows you to hide or show Control Panel, Printers, Run button, Log Off button, Shutdown button, Desktop, Local Drives, Network Drives, Taskbar, Internet Explorer from Desktop, File Menu; lock the TaskBar, specify programs that you want running, restrict programs that you don't warn running (Windows 2000/XP), disable Registry Tools, etc.
  • The Server offers three types of logging account types to prevent unauthorized use of certain utilities (Administrator, User and Viewer).
  • The Client can go on Solo mode which is independent of the Server.
  • Messages can be sent from the client to the server and Tickets can be validated for its current state from the client without login in first.
  • Reports are generated in several different ways (Report of the usage of tickets, Report of dialy sales of tickets, Report of each computer used, Report of Tickets login and logout, Report of Generated Tickets, Report of server usage etc.)
  • GoCybetix has a download billing tool that monitor and controls the speed of the Upload and Download of a client. This is an optional feature.
  • GoCybetix now comes in different skins and even more comfortable on your desktop.
  • Automatic log cleanup and compressing tool now included.
  • GoCybetix has a set of Automated tools that helps you specify certain timed functions without your intervention (Pause when their is an Internet connection lost and vice versa; Shutdown Server and Clients at a specified time).
  • GoCybetix uses a secure encryption over the network to communicate with each other.
  • GoCybetix has a better Connection Technology and a setup wizard that helps you in configuring clients for connection to the server just from one system. Really, connection is done automatically even though you have multiple network adaptors. All you have to do is make sure all the systems are on the same network.
  • For Computers with multiple network cards using the GoCybetix Server, GoCybetix allows you to select the network IP address you wish to use.
  • On GoCybetix website (www.gocybetix.com), you can login and view the activities going on your Cyber Café without being there. You can know the number of minutes used, the number of tickets used, the number of tickets generated, the number of tickets left etc. You can also Send messages and shutdown the Server and Clients.
  • Hide GoCybetix Server in Memory and use GoCybetix Client on the Same System, letting you maximize your number of systems leaving none redundant.
  • GoCybetix Xview allows you to view a clients desktop from server, keeping a perfect watch for fraudulent acts.
  • GoCybetix Print Billing gives you control over your Clients prints by preventing printing without authorization or deduction of time for each print/Page made. Also a report for each print is saved. You can now also authorize printing with a password from a client without do it from ther server.
  • GoCybetix FrontDesk allows you have more than one GoCybetix Server with control of Clients on the same network and now includes POS.
  • GoCybetix AntiSpam lets you block undesired programs from running, also blocks undesired website (Sex, Extractor, etc.) preventing your IP from been blocked.
  • GoCybetix now comes with Point-of-Sale (POS) and also has POS included in FrontDesk so that you can print with POS without been directly on GoCybetix Server. It also support Parallel Cable POS now. [Avaliable with Professional Version].
  • Scandisk utility to compress database and repair damaged GoCybetix files without reinstalling.
  • Ticket Group Activation making sure that it takes 2 workers to make a set of ticket usable.
  • GoCybetix Server Option Settings saving and reloading.
  • Including or Excluding specified clients from been affected by restrictions.
  • Time Synchronization with GoCybetix Site time to keep your Server time always correct.
  • Specifying certain computers to work with only special tickets called VIP tickets.
  • Membership Ticket and information (includes picture slot from file and scanner).
  • GoCybetix Supports Thin Client System.
  • GoCybetix Download Control helps monitor and manage of bandwidth for each ticket [Avaliable with Professional Version].

We can go on and on without fully documenting all the features of GoCybetix, so we will leave the rest for you to discover as you use GoCybetix.

GoCybetix Server
Generate Ticket
Ticket Preview
Server Option
Client Login
Client Timer
Click to Download GoCybetix Now

To try out GoCybetix download it. GoCybetix provides you with a none expiry version once downloaded, which gives a free 4 User license but with limited features until registered.

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